ProudCity news, notes, reminders, shout outs. 💥
News 🗞️
Year-end clean-up
The end of the year is a great time to review your local government website and tidy things up.
Holiday support hours
From Tuesday, December 24 through Wednesday, January 1 we will only respond to emergency level support tickets.
Request for Proudly Serving feedback: Reframe public service
A new Proudly Serving chapter titled Reframe public service is ready for public review and feedback.
Government websites and the cautionary tale of the Library of Babel
Here are a few content design strategies to prevent the chaos of government babel.
Important 🚨
We strongly recommend you:
Reminders 🔔
Release notes 🚀
Key product updates:
- Core and plugin updates (updates)
Shout outs 🙌
Special thanks to:
- Everyone who had their end of year check-in!
- Williams County for introducing us to McKenzie County and Watford City
- Kaizen Labs for partnering with us for Clear Creek Metropolitan Recreation District
- Department of Civic Things
Services 🛎️
More ways we can help:

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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