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Category: FYI

Digital government news from ProudCity (September 2022)

Digital government news Why and how to compress PDFs Reducing PDF sizes makes it easier for the public to access these types of files. Request for Proudly Serving feedback: Speak plainly A new Proudly Serving chapter, written by Echa Schneider, titled Speak plainly is ready for public review and feedback. Locals’ .gov adoption is getting … Continued

Digital government news from ProudCity (August 2022)

Digital government news Register for the (free) 2022 Federal Plain Language Summit The event will highlight plain language successes in federal agencies at all stages of the communications journey. Building an inclusive culture at the Government Digital Service GDS CEO Tom Read shares why creating a safe, diverse and inclusive culture for staff matters. Request … Continued

Digital government news from ProudCity (July 2022)

Digital government news Team care in a crisis “Thanks to a culture of team care our leaders fostered.” The California Office of Digital Innovation shares how it got through COVID-19 response efforts. Senators ask DOJ to enforce accessibility rules for state and local websites A group of 10 Democratic senators asked the Justice Department to … Continued

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