ProudCity news, notes, reminders, shout outs. 💥
News 🗞️
New ProudCity dashboard
Giving our community better access to digital resources and support.
Add equations to web forms
Extra security protection beyond just the CAPTCHA.
Sitemaps 101
What they are, why they’re important, and how we support them.
ProudCity and Global Accessibility Awareness Day
How we (celebrated) support accessible government websites.
Reminders 🛎️
Release notes 🚀
Key product updates:
- New ProudCity dashboard (feature)
- Force image ALT text (accessibility)
- Make navigation more accessible (accessibility)
- Clear site cache menu option permission (bug)
- Deleted event still shows in calendar (bug)
- Core and plugin updates (updates)
Deprecations 🌅
Features being sunset:
- Old ProudCity dashboard (done)
- New account/payment links (done)
Shout outs 🙌
Special thanks to:
- Ingrid Alverde (Petaluma) for alt text feedback
- Department of Civic Things

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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