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Category: Resources

Now available: 2021 Local Government Website Buying Guide

We’re proud to publish our updated 2021 Local Government Website Buying Guide. The guide is available in web format and in a Google Doc, which can be downloaded as a PDF. Feel free to add your comments and ideas to the Google Doc to help make it better. It includes a checklist, do’s and don’ts, … Continued

Modernizing local government website procurement

Local government digital services procurement is in dire need of an overhaul, so we’re working to help reform this by creating a modern day government website request for information/proposal/quote template that replaces the antiquated, traditional approach.

#digitalgovtip #3: Read these digital government books

Over the years, I’ve read many of the books published on digital government. Here are the ones I recommend — from leadership to IT to communications teams to civic hackers to govtech-focused entrepreneurs — to best understand strategic and cultural aspects of what it means to lead with a digital first approach to public service.

Audio: ‘Empowering Effective Digital Government from the Top’

Effective digital government starts at the top with executives — from city managers to city council — embracing a new approach to leadership on technical and organizational cultural issues. In this fireside chat with City of San Rafael Assistant City Manager Cristine Alilovich and Senior Management Analyst Rebecca Woodbury, we discuss the role of leadership in enabling a holistic culture of iterative, proactive, digital public service.

Slides: WordPress and Government

Slides from our “WordPress and Government” webinar with the National Association of Government Web Professionals are now available.

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