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FYI from ProudCity (July 2024)

Posted on July 10, 2024

ProudCity news, notes, reminders, shout outs. 💥 News 🗞️ Local gov website buying guide Help your network save time and money. Includes buying template. Government content during disasters Communicate in ways that meet the moment. Metadata and local gov websites What they are, why they’re important, how we support them. Reminders 🛎️ Get ProudCity and...
Front covers of two guides (Guide to buying local government websites and Local government website buying guide)

Updated: Local government website buying guide and template

Posted on June 13, 2024

We updated the local government website buying guide and template. 🙌 Why it matters 💥 Helps government “know what it doesn’t know.” Stops wasteful spending by buying websites the old way. Avoids replacing a problem with the same old thing. Breaks the cycle of poor technology purchases. It’s more than “just a website.” It’s your...
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FYI from ProudCity (June 2024)

Posted on June 6, 2024

ProudCity news, notes, reminders, shout outs. 💥 News 🗞️ New ProudCity dashboard Giving our community better access to digital resources and support. Add equations to web forms Extra security protection beyond just the CAPTCHA. Sitemaps 101 What they are, why they’re important, and how we support them. ProudCity and Global Accessibility Awareness Day How we...
Screenshot of ProudCity Dashboard showing panels for news, training, help, support, payments.

New ProudCity dashboard

Posted on May 28, 2024

We launched a new ProudCity dashboard so our community can get direct communications to key benefits. Why it matters 💥 Better access to: ProudCity updates New help articles Training and services Help and support Noted changes 🗒️ Payments and accounts (formerly ‘Users’) are now dashboard panels. Future features 🔮 Panels: Analytics Broken link and alt...
Logos of Global Accessibility Awareness Day and ProudCity

Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2024: ProudCity and local government websites

Posted on May 16, 2024

Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day. To celebrate, ProudCity is sharing how we approach and support accessible local government websites. GAAD and digital accessibility 💥 “The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion, and the more than One Billion people with disabilities/impairments.” (GAAD) “Digital accessibility refers...
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FYI from ProudCity (May 2024)

Posted on May 2, 2024

News and notes from ProudCity. News Review your embedded content We always recommend integrations (ex: Mailchimp, Constant Contact) before embedding, but if you choose the latter, ensure code snippets and iframes on your site are secure. Case study: Santa Ana’s website overhaul The Digital Service Network released a case study on the city's website launch...
Santa Ana, Calif., city website screenshot

Digital Service Network: ‘The City of Santa Ana’s Website Overhaul’

Posted on April 23, 2024

We're proud to support Santa Ana, Calif., in its digital service journey. The Digital Service Network published a case study on the city's new website launch, and "how digital service innovation can occur in government organizations without formally codified or centralized digital service teams." From the case study: Soto began with the anecdotal challenges he...
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FYI from ProudCity (April 2024)

Posted on April 4, 2024

News and notes from ProudCity. Add CAPTCHAs to your online forms There's an increase in online government forms used to spam internal email addresses. Make sure you add CAPTCHA to your forms. How to write better government content We now offer plain language training for local governments. This is for anyone responsible for web/digital but...
Case study: Somerville, NJ

Case study: Somerville, NJ

Posted on March 20, 2024

Our friends at Department of Civic Things created a case study of their work with Somerville, NJ, using the ProudCity platform to develop their website. “The thing I keep hearing over and over again is how easy it is,” Somerville Communications Director Patty Hunt said. "People are saying it's much easier now to find the...
Training: How to write better government content

Training: How to write better government content

Posted on March 13, 2024

Clear communications – for internal or public consumption – is at the heart of good government. Writing better content eliminates confusion, saves time and resources and delivers a better overall government experience. Department of Civic Things and ProudCity are proud to collaborate on new training to support local governments in plain language, both for online...
GovTech 100 2024

ProudCity named to 2024 GovTech 100 list

Posted on January 24, 2024

ProudCity is honored to be named to Government Technology’s esteemed 2024 GovTech 100 top government technology companies list. ProudCity was named a GovTech 100 company in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and, in 2016 as one of ‘5 to Watch.’ From Government Technology Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer Dustin Haisler: "We’re witnessing a...
2023 GovTech 100

ProudCity named to 2023 GovTech 100 list

Posted on January 4, 2023

ProudCity is honored to be named to Government Technology’s esteemed 2023 GovTech 100 top government technology companies list. ProudCity was named a GovTech 100 company in 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and, in 2016 as one of ‘5 to Watch.’ From Government Technology Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer Dustin Haisler: “This year we have...
ProudCity Releases

ProudCity 2022.11.15 Release

Posted on November 15, 2022

Starting with this release we're changing our release strategy a bit. Instead of releasing every 2 weeks, we're now releasing new features as soon as they're through our QA process. This has meant that some weeks we've released two or three small updates to customer sites. We have updated our button that adds meetings to...
ProudCity Releases

ProudCity 1.134.0 Release

Posted on October 19, 2022

Release 1.134.0 brought some fixes to accessibility, specifically with tabindex on meeting links. That fix allowed us to update our Add to Calendar scripts and remove a connection to an external service. Add to calendar links are now generated with code entirely running and hosted on client sites. We also continued to clean up some...
Notification by Humam from

Digital government news from ProudCity (October 2022)

Posted on October 19, 2022

Digital government news New Proudly Serving chapter: Speak plainly “We serve our communities best when we communicate clearly, directly, and without frills,” writes Echa Schneider. Book review: Citizens "The absolute precondition for the Citizen Story is belief in ourselves and in human nature as creative, capable, and caring, rather than lazy, self-interested, and competitive within...
ProudCity Releases

ProudCity 1.133.0 Release

Posted on September 29, 2022

In this release we resolved some issues with deploy that were causing some of our plugins to become unavailable when Kubernetes Pods were rebuilt. We also updated some of our :hover and :focus styles to have more obvious states to improve accessibility. What's Up Next Release 1.134.0 will have more bug fixes. It will be...
Notification by Humam from

Digital government news from ProudCity (September 2022)

Posted on September 15, 2022

Digital government news Why and how to compress PDFs Reducing PDF sizes makes it easier for the public to access these types of files. Request for Proudly Serving feedback: Speak plainly A new Proudly Serving chapter, written by Echa Schneider, titled Speak plainly is ready for public review and feedback. Locals' .gov adoption is getting...
ProudCity Releases

ProudCity 1.132.0 Release

Posted on September 7, 2022

This release brought us a new updated CSS and JS build process which will make future work on styles faster and more robust. We also added some more tests for file validation to help us produce more robust builds. What's Up Next Release 1.133.0 will have more bug fixes. It will be released on Sept...
ProudCity Releases

ProudCity 1.131.0 Release

Posted on August 24, 2022

This release added some editing capabilities to the new ProudCity Quick Menu plugin to continue to bring it back in line with the features of it's predecessor. We also added the ability for Editor's to clear their own site cache as well as enhance alerts for the ProudCity team when plugins may be deactivated by...
Notification by Humam from

Digital government news from ProudCity (August 2022)

Posted on August 12, 2022

Digital government news Register for the (free) 2022 Federal Plain Language Summit The event will highlight plain language successes in federal agencies at all stages of the communications journey. Building an inclusive culture at the Government Digital Service GDS CEO Tom Read shares why creating a safe, diverse and inclusive culture for staff matters. Request...
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