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Coronavirus (COVID-19) icons now available to all ProudCity-powered government websites

Posted on April 1, 2020

ProudCity coronavirus (COVID-19) icons

As governments work to build digital responses to the coronavirus (COVID-19), one aspect of this is a need for web icons that support text-based communications.

ProudCity uses the Font Awesome to make it easy for our government partners to add icons into website pages.

Coronavirus-related icons

To support coronavirus-related communications, Font Awesome recently added and curated COVID-19-specific icons to its set:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) icons

How to add coronavirus-related icons

The coronavirus-related icons can be accessed from these ProudCity widgets:

  • Icon link
  • Icon set
  • Text

ProudCity widgets

‘Icon link’ and ‘Icon set’ widgets

The ‘Icon link’ and ‘Icon set’ widgets allow for linkable icons to specific pages. To access them, simply type “covid” into the font picker search.

ProudCity coronavirus (COVID-19) icons

‘Text’ widget

The ‘Text’ widget allows for website managers to add non-linked icons using the Font Awesome code. Sample code:

<p><i class="far fa-address-card fa-4x"></i></p>

These icons were added in our latest release and are now available to all of our government partners for their ProudCity-powered websites.

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