Digital government news
New Proudly Serving chapter: Speak plainly
“We serve our communities best when we communicate clearly, directly, and without frills,” writes Echa Schneider.
Book review: Citizens
“The absolute precondition for the Citizen Story is belief in ourselves and in human nature as creative, capable, and caring, rather than lazy, self-interested, and competitive within a zero-sum framework,” write Jon Alexander and Ariane Conrad.
Websites need to be accessible to be inclusive
UK Government Digital Service shares how it enables inclusion through digital accessibility.
Building a customer-centric digital government ecosystem
GSA’s Enterprise Digital Experience team designed a Digital Lifecycle Program that provides a roadmap and tools to help web teams manage a website throughout its entire lifecycle.
Upcoming training and resources for government social media
Government-specific social media training and resources.
So you’re on social media. Now what?
Digital Services Georgia recaps a webinar on ‘How Government Agencies Use Instagram in Their Communication Strategies.’
Baltimore is creating digital services and performance teams
Baltimore’s city government is allocating $2.1 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds to create a digital services team.
Taking a design-led approach to digital government modernization
GSA’s Office of Customer Experience shares how it stood up an internal enterprise digital experience team responsible for cataloging, evaluating and pushing customer-centric changes to all of GSA’s digital products.
Recap: 6 important factors to consider for digital advertising in government
Digital.gov’s Federal Communicators Network recaps a panel of federal communications and marketing leaders discussing key benefits and potential pitfalls of digital advertising and paid media.
Recap: How to measure effectiveness of your digital outreach and communications
Federal government communications and marketing leaders share best practices and guidance on measurement effectiveness of digital marketing, outreach and communication efforts.
ProudCity news
ProudCity releases
Release 1.133.0 notes.

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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