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GCN features ProudCity: ‘Startup offers city websites as a service’

Posted on January 22, 2016


Government Computer News featured ProudCity in a new story, “Startup offers city websites as a service“:

Spinning up a website these days it trivially easy. It’s the work that comes after launch that’s the problem.

That’s especially true for city governments, according to longtime civic technologist Luke Fretwell. While larger cities may have in-house developers to update code and add new functionality, he told GCN, smaller municipalities often scrape together funding for a one-time development effort, then live with the finished product for years — only to repeat the process when new funding can be secured or the old site breaks down entirely.

The platform has been tailored to city-government needs, with preconfigured components to handle basic payments, service requests and other common offerings. “We want to make it easier for people to put into context what their web site would look like,” Fretwell explained. “It’s really customized to setting up things that are city-specific.”

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