Government Technology featured ProudCity in an article on our new ProudCity Recovers offering.
When a historically destructive wildfire burned down most of Paradise, Calif., in November, the startup ProudCity built the town a website dedicated to the recovery effort in three days.
Now, the company is using that experience — as well as its similar work for other fire-devastated local governments like Santa Rosa, Calif. — to offer other communities the same services. ProudCity Recovers, announced April 3, is a package for local governments going through disasters to swiftly set up an online presence from which to disseminate information and services.
The website theme, which ProudCity demonstrates here, includes a mobile-responsive design, a news section, event calendar, social media feed, search functionality and content sections for several common concerns in a disaster — shelter locations, information about animals, evacuation routes, financial assistance and more.
Full story: ProudCity Aims to Build More Disaster Recovery Websites

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