Government Technology featured ProudCity in an article on our launch of ProudCity Meetings.
ProudCity Chief Operating Officer Kevin Herman said Meetings is an answer to customer demand, particularly from smaller governments.
“In these very small communities, we’ve found that the town clerks or city clerks are often the ones that are reaching out to us about updating their websites, because they’re the ones … that are on the hook for rules and regulations about public information,” he said.
Expanding on the need for this tool, ProudCity CEO Luke Fretwell acknowledged there is no shortage of software products that archive and share meeting agendas. But small governments need to follow the same transparency laws as big ones, and he didn’t think expensive, feature-heavy software, especially if it’s not very customizable or interoperable, is a viable option for everyone.
“There are several tools that are similar to what we do that have been around for a long time. They’re expensive, and prohibitive for really smaller cities to purchase and leverage in a meaningful way, so what (smaller cities) have been doing is hacking their own solutions … and they’re not searchable, they’re not truly accessible, and they don’t tie into a broader content strategy,” he said. “We wanted to create something that was easy to manage, lightweight and affordable.”
Full story: ProudCity’s New Meetings Tool Aims to Help Small Governments

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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