One of the primary goals of ProudCity is to remove traditional procurement barriers, such as the lack of pricing transparency and flexible purchasing options, and make it easier for cities to purchase government digital services.
With most government software offerings, there is little upfront visibility into pricing, either because bidding is based on highly-specialized specifications or opportunistic sales quotes based on budget allocation for one-time web design and development projects.
Because ProudCity is a product-based company, we’re able to better standardize and scale our offering and pricing, allowing cities to fully understand what they get and for how much.
At ProudCity, we want to maximize upfront transparency into our software-as-a-service offering and provide city-specific pricing, right down to the exact resident.
Our primary focus is serving each resident, and we want a structure that reflects this, so today we’re publicly announcing our pricing: $0.01 a resident per month.*
So, if your city has a population of 10,000 residents, you pay $1,200 a year. With that comes all of the ProudCity features, ongoing platform updates and a complete service level agreement.
If you would like to test the ProudCity platform prior to a potential purchase, you can request a free BETA website, and we’ll set it up and give you unlimited access for an unlimited amount time.
We’ve created a simple calculator that makes it easy for cities to determine monthly and annual ProudCity pricing and immediately receive a 90-day quote.
Based on feedback, which has been extremely positive, we’ll revisit our pricing in the coming months, however, we will always remain transparent, because we believe cities should have all the information they need to make a sound decision when procuring digital services.
Visit ProudCity to get a quote for your city.
* This is subject to change, but early adopter cities will be grandfathered in.

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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