Whether it’s Venango Township (pop. 997), Colma (pop. 1,792), De Leon (pop. 2,433) or West Mead Township (pop. 5,249), we here at ProudCity get especially excited when small cities and towns (populations 10,000 and below) join our digital government platform.
While everything is big in Texas, one small city we’re pretty proud of is Jarrell, Texas (pop. 984).
Jarrell IT Director Chris Bryce contacted us on a Saturday morning (How’s that for dedication?) to learn how ProudCity could support the city’s outdated web operations. Monday morning we set Chris and the Jarrell team up with a test site where they could login to and experiment.
With Chris’ gumption and a results-oriented city leadership, Team Jarrell wasted zero time and launched its new digital operations within seven days.
Located at https://www.cityofjarrell.com, Jarrell’s new website is fully mobile, privacy-enabled (HTTPS), accessible and incredibly easy for internal staff to self-manage, including web pages, news posts, contact directory, calendar and much, much more.
Because ProudCity is a bonafide government software-as-a-service provider, Jarrell will continue to receive software upgrades (at no additional costs) on (at minimum) a twice-monthly basis.
Jarrell’s digital launch is proof that small cities and towns can launch modern, scalable, flexible, manageable web operations quickly and affordably.
Kudos to Chris and the entire Jarrell team for showing that small cities can go big when it comes to digital government service.
We’re Jarrell proud.

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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