This release contains third party plugin updates and bugfixes. There is no WordPress core update in this release. It is immediately available to all ProudCity Hosted sites and for download on Github under the GNU Affero GPL v3 open source license.
What changes will I notice?
We updated the Document mini list to make it more helpful. The filetype icon is now smaller and a Download button has been added. We also added a “Popout” button to documents and meeting attachments that are not displayed in the embedded preview.
What’s up next?
We are preparing a major update to the form builder interface. We will be in touch soon with more details on the changes and timing of the updates.
It will be released on September 8, 2021.
New Features
- Doc list: Show smaller logo and download button in mini list #1870
- Add popout option for documents/meeting files that are too large to preview #1865
- Hide news sidebar if it is empty #1872
- Hotfix 1.112.1 Fix translation text display #1824; Meetings: sort: fix sort order #1650 Aug 6 2021 (wp-proud-core)
- Hotfix 1.113.1 Hide news sidebar if it is empty #1872 (with release)
WordPress Core Update
- There is no WordPress Core update in this release.
3rd party plugin updates (8bacebe)
- default-featured-image | 1.6.4 | 1.7.1
- events-manager | 5.10 | 5.11
- siteorigin-panels | 2.13.1 | 2.13.2
- so-widgets-bundle | 1.23.0 | 1.23.1
- wp-job-manager | 1.35.1 | 1.35.2
- wp-mail-smtp | 3.0.2 | 3.0.3
- wordpress-seo | 16.8 | 16.9

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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