This release has one big feature and some minor fixes. You can now use Font Awesome Version 6 icons on your site. Version 5 icons will continue to display as expected on the user-facing part of your site. Version 5 icons will not show up in your admin area when you look to choose your icons. Existing icons will show a “cancel” symbol when you edit them but will continue to display as expected to site users.
What changes will I notice?
You will see new icons available in the editing interface of the site corresponding with Font Awesome Version 6 icons.
What’s up next?
Release 1.125.0 will be primarily a bugfix release. It will be released on May 12, 2022.
New Features
- cycled Auth0 keys: 1987
- added aria labels for iframes to resolve accessibility issues: 2018
- migrated from XML Sitemap plugin to Yoast features in hotfix 1.123.1: 2013
- updated labelling on contact links to be more clear: 2012
- moved to Font Awesome 6 and revised the icon picker UI: 1993
There were no 3rd party plugin updates in this release.

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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