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ProudCity 1.129.0 Release

Posted on July 14, 2022

ProudCity Releases

This release cleaned up some issues with caching and making sure that the media library plugin was activated across all client sites. We also verified that Gravity Forms exports were working as expected and fixed a bug that sent all users back to the main Posts page in the WordPress admin if they saved any content.

What’s Up Next

Release 1.130.0 will have more bug fixes. It will be released on July 26, 2022.


New features


  • Ran search and replace on some domains to remove legacy testing domains: #2068
  • Readded commands to activate WP Media Folder plugin as some sites didn’t have it activated with 1.128.0: #2067
  • Possible fix for alert bar messages not being shown once update: #2071
  • Possible fix for menu links not working and only refreshing the page: #2070
  • Fixing issue where saving any content type redirected you to the main posts page: #2070
  • Gravity Forms exports work: #1887


  • 1.128.1 fixed an issue with escaped HTML in the new pager

Third-party plugin updates:

  • SiteOrigin Panels upgraded to 2.16.16
  • SO Widgets Bundle upgraded to 1.37.1
  • User Role Editor upgraded to 4.63
  • WP Rocket upgraded to 3.11.3
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