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ProudCity 1.17.0 Release

Posted on October 19, 2016

ProudCity Releases

This release contains a new Vote app for the 2016 US General Election, a new interactive calendar widget for events, and an improvement to the department contact sidebar. There were also a number of bugfixes. There are no WordPress core updates in this release. It is immediately available for all ProudCity Hosted sites and for download on Github under the GNU Affero GPL v3 open source license.

What changes will I notice?

Try the new Vote app for the 2016 US General Election. It is available as a tab on the Action Box widget, or as a standalone app you can embed on your website. Try the new Calendar widget, and look at the improvement to your agency sidebar contact information. We added the GovIcons icon font set to the list of available icons in the icon selector. There are lots of other bugfixes and new features, so be sure to scan the changelog below.

If you notice any issues with your ProudCity Hosted website after this release, please create a support ticket. If you are using ProudCity Open Source please create a GitHub issue.

What’s up next?

Release 1.18.0 will be another large feature and bugfix release with standard 3rd party updates.

Want to see something that isn’t listed here? Tweet it to us. View our full product roadmap.

Version 1.18.0 will be released on November 2, 2016.



  • 311 actions box: Increase limit to number of Issue categories displayed, number of posts within a category that are shown #595
  • Answers taxonomy order not adjusting when there are more than 10 top-level categories #549
  • Search: departments have “sorry, this menu has been initialized without a valid option” message in search results #594
  • Backend: PC logo link #483

Additions and Updates

  • Make Draggable ordering the default for Issues, Answers, Payments #618
  • Add Vote app #550
  • Add calendar widget #420
  • Agency: improve contact styling #545
  • Add GovIcons icon set #619
  • Issues: Add body text area to appear above Iframe type #587
  • Panels editor: Hide Revert to editor btn #532
  • Add Save Order button to Post, Taxonomy sort #609

Hotfixes since previous release

  • 1.16.1: Oct 12 2016: Release Vote app #550 (wp-proud-actions-app)

WordPress Core Update

  • There is no WordPress core update in this release.

3rd party plugin updates (b244e4c)

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