We’re excited to announce our first state capital partner, Jackson, Miss.
The new site, located at jacksonms.gov, is now live after going through the ProudCity Onboarding process and public feedback and user testing.
As with all of our partners we serve, Jackson’s new, service-focused website is mobile-friendly, secured for user privacy protection and makes accessibility a priority. The new website also better empowers those internally who manage digital services to the community.
There were three phases to the official launch of Jackson’s new digital government service operations:
- Alpha: Experiment and test new ideas, call for community input. (August)
- Beta: Incorporate ideas, community input into a more concrete website. (September)
- Live: Formally launch the new site as the official public website. (October)
We’re honored and proud to serve the people of Jackson and look forward to working with its leaders to continuously improving its digital public services into the future.
Watch Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba discuss the new site during his State of the City address and read the official city announcement.
We are Jackson Proud.

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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