Route Fifty featured Hinsdale, Mass., and its adoption of ProudCity as its web platform, especially our online payments integration features:
“To have the ease of making these payments digitally and being able have a digital paper trail is the standard that people are used to,” Kevin Herman, co-founder and COO of Proud City, said in an interview. “To go into Town Hall to drop off a form or payment—that’s just not possible in a large second-home community or if you have to travel for a job.”
Property taxes and building permits are Hinsdale’s primary sources of revenue, so the town wanted the system set up by September.
Procurement didn’t take months, and the price was affordable for a town of Hinsdale’s size for services rivaling those of a city website serving millions.
Full story: How a Western Massachusetts Town Took Its Payments Online

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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