We updated the local government website buying guide and template. 🙌
Why it matters 💥
- Helps government “know what it doesn’t know.”
- Stops wasteful spending by buying websites the old way.
- Avoids replacing a problem with the same old thing.
- Breaks the cycle of poor technology purchases.
- It’s more than “just a website.” It’s your digital front door.
- It’s everything the organization does.
- More people will visit your website than city hall.
- Your website impacts your community’s opinion of you.
Who it’s for 🏛️
The guide and template are for all stakeholders and government sizes:
- Elected officials
- Senior staff
- Digital teams
- Communications
- Public relations
- IT
- General staff
Download 💾
Quote 😯
Get your local government website quote in seconds.
Demo 📆

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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