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ViewPoint Cloud: ‘Why You Should Be Working with a Nimble Company’

Posted on September 15, 2017


ViewPoint Cloud‘s Rachel Keyser wrote an excellent government-focused “Why You Should Be Working with a Nimble Company” post that includes mention of ProudCity.

Rachel cites five reasons why governments should be working with nimble companies:

  • They Can Adapt Quickly
  • They Grow With You
  • They Look to the Future
  • They are More Flexible
  • They Will Attract Better Talent

Included in the post is a quote from ProudCity Chief Operating Officer Kevin Herman on our approach to nimbleness and how it helps us best serve government:

“Continuous improvement is more than product development and release cycles, it’s a contagious culture that fosters relationships through listening, trust, and appreciation. We’re unable to provide meaningful improvement unless we’re listening to and trusting the feedback we’re getting from our customer. Furthermore, our customers can’t continuously improve their services without owning the same practice for the services they’re providing to their communities. This feedback loop helps create longstanding, meaningful relationships where communities, cities and our company can grow together.”

And we couldn’t agree more with Rachel’s quote here:

“Many corporate giants are starting to fall behind the pace of rapid change, and end up offering governments worse products and services at higher prices.”

Full post: “Why You Should Be Working with a Nimble Company

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