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Category: California

Digital disaster response and recovery preparedness with ProudCity Recovers

When disaster strikes, anxiety is high and community members immediately look to government and emergency management leaders for timely, reliable, mobile-friendly, accessible information. The ensuing chaos exacerbates when communications — the information and delivery mechanisms — aren’t efficiently deployed. As disasters become more routine, digital response and recovery preparedness is critical. Governments can no longer … Continued

Recovers website governance template

To better assist digital preparedness related to response and recovery efforts, we’ve created a recovers website governance template. The template was adapted with permission from the original policy developed by the Marin Recovers. It was used to help socialize and get buy-in throughout Marin County (Calif.) on governance and protocol ahead of a disaster so … Continued

Audio: ‘Empowering Effective Digital Government from the Top’

Effective digital government starts at the top with executives — from city managers to city council — embracing a new approach to leadership on technical and organizational cultural issues. In this fireside chat with City of San Rafael Assistant City Manager Cristine Alilovich and Senior Management Analyst Rebecca Woodbury, we discuss the role of leadership in enabling a holistic culture of iterative, proactive, digital public service.

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