Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2024: ProudCity and local government websites
To celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day, ProudCity shares how we approach and support accessible local government websites.
To celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day, ProudCity shares how we approach and support accessible local government websites.
ProudCity is proudly powered by open source technology. We embrace open source because it empowers us to be more innovative and build great products for local governments. And, as the U.S. Department of Defense says about open source, “there are great benefits to be gained in reliability, performance, and security.” Open source and security There … Continued
One of our mantras here at ProudCity is “always getting better.” The web is constantly evolving, and it’s important for us to incorporate best practices into the ProudCity Platform so that our government partners — and their digital services — constantly best serve their communities. We continuously strive to improve and build a better digital … Continued
We’re participating in a web accessibility webinar for the ELGL local government community this Wednesday (November 6). Webinar overview: Learn how to make your local government website and digital services accessible for all populations. Matt DiCianni from Ancel Glink will share the legal case for making your website and digital services accessible, and then Luke … Continued
When we first started ProudCity, we set up a simple company website at and, as early-stage startups do, spent all of our time focused on building the platform, onboarding early customers, and refining our processes so that we could scale government impact. Over the holiday break, we finally used some downtime to dogfood … Continued
Government Technology featured ProudCity in an article on our launch of ProudCity Meetings.
Public meetings are a fundamental component of government operations, and many of the cities we work with have asked about or requested a simple, affordable publishing tool — for calendars, minutes, agendas, videos — that seamlessly integrates with their websites.
It is imperative that governments adhere to web accessibility guidelines. Most importantly, because it’s the right thing to do, but also because it will increasingly become a legal issue for governments who don’t actively adhere to these standards.
Protecting user privacy should be a government priority, and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is fundamental to online digital security.
Government Technology covered our research on encryption and state government websites. We’re proud to say that every government website on the ProudCity Platform is Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.