FYI from ProudCity (May 2024)
News and notes from ProudCity.
News and notes from ProudCity.
The Digital Service Network published a case study on the Santa Ana’s new website launch, and how digital service innovation can occur in government organizations without formally codified or centralized digital service teams.
News and notes from ProudCity.
ProudCity is honored to be named to Government Technology’s esteemed 2024 GovTech 100 top government technology companies list.
ProudCity is honored to be named to Government Technology’s esteemed 2023 GovTech 100 top government technology companies list.
Starting with this release we’re changing our release strategy a bit. Instead of releasing every 2 weeks, we’re now releasing new features as soon as they’re through our QA process. This has meant that some weeks we’ve released two or three small updates to customer sites. We have updated our button that adds meetings to … Continued
Release 1.134.0 brought some fixes to accessibility, specifically with tabindex on meeting links. That fix allowed us to update our Add to Calendar scripts and remove a connection to an external service. Add to calendar links are now generated with code entirely running and hosted on client sites. We also continued to clean up some … Continued
Latest digital government news from ProudCity.
In this release we resolved some issues with deploy that were causing some of our plugins to become unavailable when Kubernetes Pods were rebuilt. We also updated some of our :hover and :focus styles to have more obvious states to improve accessibility. What’s Up Next Release 1.134.0 will have more bug fixes. It will be … Continued
Digital government news Why and how to compress PDFs Reducing PDF sizes makes it easier for the public to access these types of files. Request for Proudly Serving feedback: Speak plainly A new Proudly Serving chapter, written by Echa Schneider, titled Speak plainly is ready for public review and feedback. Locals’ .gov adoption is getting … Continued