Digital government news
The case for simplified, text-based government websites
E.Republic Executive Editor Paul Taylor makes the case to think simple when it comes to digital services.
How to thoughtfully name government services
“When a name doesn’t fit, it’s confusing and can lead to misunderstandings,” says the Canada Digital Service.
Innovate with purpose
A new Proudly Serving chapter from e.Republic Chief Innovation Officer Dustin Haisler and Deputy Chief Innovation Officer Joe Morris.
What is technical debt in state and local governments?
StateTech sheds much-needed light on an important topic (and reason why local government should be more vigilant when evaluating legacy technology).
Report: Governments must make digital services more accessible
Deloitte Center for Government Insights published its “Government Trends 2022” report.
UX for all: States push for broader accessibility online
In creating or improving digital assets like websites, government entities often talk about the importance of “user-centered design.” What does that really mean and look like in action?
CMS unveils more user-friendly Medicare website
Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure: “We are committed to listening to the people we serve as we design and deliver new, personalized online resources and expanded customer support options for people with Medicare coverage and those who support them.”
Why multilingual research matters
Code for America: “Doing research in multiple languages makes our products stronger, more equitable, and more reflective of the communities we hope to uplift.”
3 ways to spruce up your agency’s social media
Tired of the same type of posts on your agency’s social media accounts? Government Social Media has suggestions.
Guide: Prepping your agency’s social media for crisis
How government can better share life-saving information to help communities prepare for Mother Nature’s catastrophic events.
ProudCity news
ProudCity releases
Release 1.125 and 1.126 notes.

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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