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New ELGL website and proudly serving the ‘brightest minds in local government’

Posted on August 9, 2018

ELGL website

ELGL website

We are extremely proud that the new ELGL website is now on the ProudCity Platform.

ELGL is the leading organization supporting fresh, innovative leaders, “engaging the brightest minds in local government,” and we are one hundred percent aligned with its team, membership and mission of:

  • Providing timely, relevant, real content
  • Fostering authentic, meaningful connections
  • Expecting equity and inclusion
  • Encouraging joy in public service
  • Welcoming new ideas and technology

ELGL visitors and website administrators now fully realize the benefits of the ProudCity Platform, including:

Special shout out to Stacy Schweikhart for your leadership and work getting the new site across the finish line.

View the new ELGL website at and, if you’re not already a member, join today!

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