A critical breakdown with how local governments launch and maintain managed web services is that they typically rely on one company to do everything — from services (content and digital) to software (product development and technical support).
Through our new ProudCity Certified Service Partners program, local governments can now partner with content and digital delivery companies — locally or nationally — and leverage ProudCity software to ensure high performance product and technology delivery.
The problem
The problem with the traditional process is that, over time, local governments spend more money, yet continue to fall behind technologically and generally in delivering digital public services.
Today, most government technology companies sell their services — tied directly to their products — and maintain a proprietary hold on the entire managed services process. The legacy approach is more expensive, immediately outdated, disempowering to internal government staff and huge lost innovation opportunity costs.
Ultimately, local governments are left with a lack of an authentic, long-term understanding of how to deliver digital services on their own, but also with technology that doesn’t get managed the way it should in 2021. When it comes to websites, this leads to neglected content and a need to completely overhaul an outdated system, which usually happens in the form of a ‘refresh’ every few years.
The solution
The solution is to give governments the freedom to select — a la carte — from services and software.
Local governments need the best of both worlds — great services partners AND great software providers.
At ProudCity, our focus is on delivering great government software. What we mean by this is that every city receives regular updates — new features, enhancements, bug fixes, security and accessibility updates — whereas the traditional approach is to build a website then take a set-it-and-forget-it approach to product and technology updates.
By leveraging our software, governments can work with content and digital service strategy providers — whether they’re local or national — and maintain the flexibility to use their ongoing services as they see fit.
ProudCity Certified Service Partners
Today, we begin the process of unbundling and opening up the traditional proprietary approach.
In the spirit of providing local governments with the best of both worlds, we’re proud to launch the ProudCity Certified Service Partners program to empower content and digital strategy companies in their efforts to support local government website launches.
Eventually, this will become a marketplace of service providers that can support governments with the content and service delivery aspects of their digital needs, separate from any technology and product (including ProudCity).
By using the ProudCity Platform, content and digital strategy companies anywhere can provide specialized local government services without needing to worry about the critical nuances of public sector technology.
From the partner perspective, you focus on working with local governments on content and communications strategy and implementation. We focus on building a better product and ensuring world-class technology solutions.
From the government perspective, you pick top-level content and digital delivery experts, and they leverage ProudCity for the technology and product.
Department of Civic Things
Our first service partner is Department of Civic Things, who is already supporting a ProudCity-powered city government website launch with several more in the works.
We are proud to work with Department of Civic Things and its founder, Rebecca Woodbury. Prior to starting DoCT, Rebecca worked in local government for 12 years, was honored by Government Technology as a one of its ‘Top 25 Doers, Dreamers and Drivers’ and is highly respected in the civic technology community.
Helping local governments deliver better digital services
We’re excited to work with localized service providers and provide economic empowerment at the community level.
We’re excited to empower local governments to give them more freedom to deliver the modern services their communities expect in 2021.
This is just the next step in ProudCity’s game-changing approach to delivering local government digital services that are cost-effective and always getting better and always in service to the people.
Learn more about ProudCity Certified Service Partners: proudcity.com/partners

ProudCity is a digital government platform that makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and manage all aspects of digital government operations, including websites, meetings, online forms and payments.
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