ProudCity 1.46.0 Release
This is primarily a bugfix and contributed module update release.
This is primarily a bugfix and contributed module update release.
Create your 2018 digital government checklist.
GCN’s Matt Leonard interviewed ProudCity CEO Luke Fretwell about government open data platform implementations.
Effective digital government starts at the top with executives — from city managers to city council — embracing a new approach to leadership on technical and organizational cultural issues. In this fireside chat with City of San Rafael Assistant City Manager Cristine Alilovich and Senior Management Analyst Rebecca Woodbury, we discuss the role of leadership in enabling a holistic culture of iterative, proactive, digital public service.
This release marks the addition of a new Accessibility Statement page and contains other bugfixes and contributed module update release.
This is primarily a bugfix and contributed module update release.
This is primarily a bugfix and contributed module update release.
Join ProudCity and ELGL on November 29 for a free Empowering Effective Digital Government from the Top fireside chat to discuss how the City of San Rafael embraced a new approach to leadership and enabled a holistic approach to iterative, proactive, digital public service.
This is primarily a bugfix and contributed module update release.
Over the past months, we’ve worked closely with ELGL and its Digital Working Group to help them re-imagine and execute an organizational digital strategy that broadens their ability better serve local government leaders in an age of constant technological change.