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Category: Releases

ProudCity 2022.11.15 Release

Starting with this release we’re changing our release strategy a bit. Instead of releasing every 2 weeks, we’re now releasing new features as soon as they’re through our QA process. This has meant that some weeks we’ve released two or three small updates to customer sites. We have updated our button that adds meetings to … Continued

ProudCity 1.134.0 Release

Release 1.134.0 brought some fixes to accessibility, specifically with tabindex on meeting links. That fix allowed us to update our Add to Calendar scripts and remove a connection to an external service. Add to calendar links are now generated with code entirely running and hosted on client sites. We also continued to clean up some … Continued

ProudCity 1.133.0 Release

In this release we resolved some issues with deploy that were causing some of our plugins to become unavailable when Kubernetes Pods were rebuilt. We also updated some of our :hover and :focus styles to have more obvious states to improve accessibility. What’s Up Next Release 1.134.0 will have more bug fixes. It will be … Continued

ProudCity 1.132.0 Release

This release brought us a new updated CSS and JS build process which will make future work on styles faster and more robust. We also added some more tests for file validation to help us produce more robust builds. What’s Up Next Release 1.133.0 will have more bug fixes. It will be released on Sept … Continued

ProudCity 1.131.0 Release

This release added some editing capabilities to the new ProudCity Quick Menu plugin to continue to bring it back in line with the features of it’s predecessor. We also added the ability for Editor’s to clear their own site cache as well as enhance alerts for the ProudCity team when plugins may be deactivated by … Continued

ProudCity 1.130.0 Release

This release we focused on improving the security of WP Quick Menu by taking it over and rewriting the very old code. ProudCity Quick Menu represents a complete rewrite of the functionality to bring the plugin up to modern standards around coding practices and code security. What’s Up Next The next release will continue to … Continued

ProudCity 1.129.0 Release

This release cleaned up some issues with caching and making sure that the media library plugin was activated across all client sites. We also verified that Gravity Forms exports were working as expected and fixed a bug that sent all users back to the main Posts page in the WordPress admin if they saved any … Continued

ProudCity 1.128.0 Release

Release 1.128.0 involved some clean-up of our WP Rocket addition. We will now be automatically flushing the cache during each deploy. We also added a new system for users to navigate between pages of documents on their site. It is now more obvious that there are pages of documents to switch between. What’s Up Next … Continued

ProudCity 1.127.0 Release

This release rolls out WP Rocket as a caching layer for all sites. It should improve the performance of your site and of the WordPress Admin. We have automatically excluded some pages from the cache due to issue. See the Scripted Updates for more information. What’s Up Next Release 1.128.0 will have more bug fixes … Continued

ProudCity 1.126.0 Release

This release was focused on bug fixes and continued accessibility enhancements. Icons that are purely decorative should now have the aria-hidden=”true” label applied so they don’t show up in the page flow for keyboard and screen reader users. We also did some more bug fixes around our new icon picker and Font Awesome 6. What’s … Continued

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