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Category: Solutions

Case study: Somerville, NJ

Our friends at Department of Civic Things created a case study of their work with Somerville, NJ, using the ProudCity platform to develop their website.

Security: Open source, WordPress, ProudCity

ProudCity is proudly powered by open source technology. We embrace open source because it empowers us to be more innovative and build great products for local governments. And, as the U.S. Department of Defense says about open source, “there are great benefits to be gained in reliability, performance, and security.” Open source and security There … Continued

Now available: 2021 Local Government Website Buying Guide

We’re proud to publish our updated 2021 Local Government Website Buying Guide. The guide is available in web format and in a Google Doc, which can be downloaded as a PDF. Feel free to add your comments and ideas to the Google Doc to help make it better. It includes a checklist, do’s and don’ts, … Continued

ProudCity social media integration updates

One of our mantras here at ProudCity is “always getting better.” The web is constantly evolving, and it’s important for us to incorporate best practices into the ProudCity Platform so that our government partners — and their digital services — constantly best serve their communities. We continuously strive to improve and build a better digital … Continued

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